colloidal silver

Colloidal Nano Silver Biomedical Therapeutic Properties

Advances in Nano Silver Based Biomaterials and their Biomedical Applications

Advances in Nano Silver Based Biomaterials and their Biomedical Applications – Abstract Silver nanoparticles are among the most widely researched and used for nanotechnology-derived structures due to their extraordinary inherent optical properties, chemical stability, catalytic activity, and high conductivity. These idiosyncratic properties can be attributed to their unique physico-chemical characteristics, such as ultrafine sizes, high […]

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Air Nano Perak Virus Covid-19

Penggunaan Air Nano Perak Dalam Menghentikan Penyebaran Virus Covid

Penggunaan Air Nano Perak Dalam Menghentikan Penyebaran Virus Covid Dalam usaha tanpa henti untuk mencari langkah-langkah yang berkesan menentang virus SARS-CoV-2, air nano perak muncul sebagai calon yang baik dalam perjuangan menentang COVID-19. Sifat antimikrob nano perak telah diiktiraf selama berabad-abad, dan penyelidikan terkini telah menyelami mekanisme khusus melalui mana partikel nano perak melawan coronavirus

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Luka Kencing Manis Dan Air Nano Perak

Penggunaan Air Nano Perak Dalam Merawat Luka Kencing Manis

Luka Kencing Manis Diabetes mellitus adalah penyakit kronik yang mempengaruhi berjuta-juta orang di seluruh dunia. Salah satu komplikasi serius yang sering berkaitan dengan diabetes adalah luka yang sukar sembuh. Luka kencing manis boleh menjadi penyebab ketidakselesaan yang serius dan komplikasi lain jika tidak dirawat dengan betul. Dalam usaha untuk mencari kaedah rawatan yang lebih berkesan,

Penggunaan Air Nano Perak Dalam Merawat Luka Kencing Manis Read More »

Air Nano Perak Boleh Digunakan Untuk Merawat Air Tadahan

Penggunaan Air Nano Perak untuk Rawatan dan Penyimpanan Air

Air – Sumber Kehidupan Yang Penting Air adalah sumber kehidupan yang paling penting, tetapi dalam banyak kes, air boleh tercemar dengan bakteria, virus, dan bahan pencemar lain. Kajian dalam bidang nanoteknologi telah membawa kepada penemuan bahan-bahan yang berpotensi untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran air ini, dan salah satu bahan yang semakin mendapat perhatian adalah nano perak.

Penggunaan Air Nano Perak untuk Rawatan dan Penyimpanan Air Read More »

Spraying Face Mask wth Colloidal Nano Silver

Effectiveness of Silver Nanoparticles Deposited in Facemask Material for Neutralising Viruses

Improving the Protective Efficacy of Facemasks Wearing a well-fitted mask along with vaccination, self-testing, and physical distancing, helps protect you and others by reducing the chance of spreading COVID-19. With the Long Covid phenomenon on the rise, it is better to take extra measures to improve the protective effects of our facemask. Nano silver has

Effectiveness of Silver Nanoparticles Deposited in Facemask Material for Neutralising Viruses Read More »

Colloidal Nano Silver Can Prevent Spread of Aedes Mosquito

The Use of Colloidal Nano Silver to Control Mosquitoes and Prevent Dengue, Malaria and Other Mosquito Borne Diseases

The Effects of Open-Air Fogging to Kill Mosquitoes With mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria and others on the rise, the incidences of fogging has also increased in many residential areas. While there are reports that claim the effects of fogging is not detrimental to humans, many would agree that it would definitely be better

The Use of Colloidal Nano Silver to Control Mosquitoes and Prevent Dengue, Malaria and Other Mosquito Borne Diseases Read More »

Colloidal Nano Silver Biomedical Therapeutic Properties

Nano Silver: New Ageless and Versatile Biomedical Therapeutic Scaffold

Abstract from Journal Silver nanotechnology has received tremendous attention in recent years, owing to its wide range of applications in various fields and its intrinsic therapeutic properties. In this review, the authors made an attempt to critically evaluate the chemical, physical, and biological synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as well as their efficacy in the

Nano Silver: New Ageless and Versatile Biomedical Therapeutic Scaffold Read More »

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